



Hi all:

I am currently unit testing some javascript, where it handles an event raised by clicking on a certain item in the window. Below is a snipet of the code:

function someFunction() 

    var evt = window.event ? window.event : event;

    if (evt == null) { return; }

    var nodeElement = evt.srcElement;

    if (nodeElement == null) { return; }

My current approach is to try to create a custom event in my test file which will populate window.event so I can at least get to test the nodeElement == null part. But I am having difficulties doing so (being not from a Javascript backgound). How do I actually create a custom event (in IE)? I'm currently doing unit testing using JsTestDriver so no html file is used. I do not mind using jQuery or just plain Javascript solution.



I currently wrote a blog post series about custom events in jQuery. You can use .trigger and .bind and it is really powerful.

+1  A: 

I would definitely use jQuery (or some other framework). It will make your life easier. I am sure every browser will have a different way of triggering the event.

With jQuery you just do something like


As alex has pointed out in his comment, you can use jQuery to create events with

$("css selector here").jQueryEventFunction(functionToCall);

So, following your example, if you want to invoke someFunction when a label is clicked you can do:


Now, if you want to simulate clicking it


And that will do it.

EDIT For the window event you can use


That will bind any click done in the window to someFunction. And if you call $(window).click(); a click event will be simulated, calling someFunction.

@MaKLaV_eS: what if I just want to create a window event? From what I know, in order to trigger an event, all I need to do is to click in the browser somewhere and it will trigger an event. I want to catch that event so I can at least be able to test the latter condition in my javascript.
See edited answer. Hope this is what you want.
@MaKLaV_eS: Thanks for the update. I have tried your code, and also followed the examples from, but its still not working. Looks like the problem has something to do with JsTestDriver itself.