Suppose File 1 has two columns and looks something like:
fuzz n. flowering shrub of the rhododendron family dyspeptic adj. bright blue, as of the sky dysplexi adj. of Byzantium or the E Roman Empire eyrie adj. of the Czech Republic or Bohemia azalea adj. suffering from dyslexia Czech adj. suffering from dyspepsia Byzantine n. eagle's nest azure n. mass of soft light particle
File 2 has only one clumn and looks something like:
azalea azure Byzantine Czech dyslexic dyspeptic eyrie fuzz
I want the first column of File 1 replaced with the column of File 2. Thus, File 3 should look like this:
azalea n. flowering shrub of the rhododendron family azure adj. bright blue, as of the sky Byzantine adj. of Byzantium or the E Roman Empire Czech adj. of the Czech Republic or Bohemia dyslexic adj. suffering from dyslexia dyspeptic adj. suffering from dyspepsia eyrie n. eagle's nest fuzz n. mass of soft light particle
I have a feeling that there's one or another simple way of doing this kind of job and it is very likely that ther're some handy modules out there but for now I simply can't do it even in the most inefficient way. I tried a bunch of code like
while<$line1 = file1>{
while<$line2 = file2>{
join $line,$line2
but no luck at all. Can someone kindly point me in the right direction? Thanks, as always, for any guidance.