



Eclipse's default template for new types (Window > Preferences > Code Style > Code Templates > New Java Files) looks like this:



Creating a new class, it'll look something like this:

package pkg;

import blah.blah;

public class FileName {
    // Class is accessible to everyone, and can be inherited 

Now, I'm fervent in my belief that access should be as restricted as possible, and inheritance should be forbidden unless explicitly permitted, so I'd like to change the ${type_declaration} to declare all classes as final rather than public:

package pkg;

import blah.blah;

final class FileName {
    // Class is only accessible in package, and can't be inherited

That seems easier said than done. The only thing I've found googling is a 2004 question on Eclipse's mailing list which was unanswered.

So, the question in short: How can I change the default class/type modifiers in Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Galileo (3.5) if that matters.

+1  A: 

Looks like it is not possible. The ${type_declaration} is internal stuff.

What you can do is to click everytime the final checkbox in the "New Java Class"-Dialog. But that's not something you want to.

You're right. It's not something I want to do :)

Just check the appropriate access modifier when creating the new class with the New Class Wizard.

New Java Class Wizard

That's what I do today. The thing is that it doesn't remember my choice, so I forget to do it every now and then.
@gustafc You can let Checkstyle warn you if you forget it.
@starblue, that's a good tip. Thanks.

Maybe this will help you?


Eclipse custom variable for java code templates

Not really, it just seems to be where eclipse picks up the templates. The `${type_declaration}` isn't there. I'm beginning to suspect it's generated rather than declared.
+1  A: 

Okay, i think there isn't any cool answer, so what about that "hack"?


import invalid;/* ${type_declaration} */

final class ${type_name} { }

If you now hit Control + Shift + O to organize imports, the old type declaration disappears. You could also add organize imports to save action to automate.

I know it's bad, but it does what you want.

Well... interesting thought. Unfortunately, it then declares everything as `final class`, including interfaces, enums, etc, and it misses any superclasses/interfaces I declare in the wizard. I also have to include the `${type_declaration}` in a comment as you can't save the template without it.