I am looking for an efficient indexed persistent data structure. I typically work in .NET and am aware of FSharp's Map however that implementation and most others I am aware of only provide a single 'index', the left side of the mapping.
Basically here is the scenario
public class MyObject
public int Id { get; }
public int GroupId { get; }
public string Name { get; }
Where the Id of an object will be globally unique set of items added. GroupId may have duplicate values, and I want to be able to query for all values with a matching GroupId and within a GroupId names will be unique but may be duplicated across different GroupId's. This not a situation where I can simply create a composite key of the 3 fields as I need independent access to groups of the items based on particular field values.
I can do this, and have in the past, using dictionaries of dictionaries, which has been recommended in other posts here on STackoverflow...however, I also want the data structure to be 1) Fully Persistent and everything that means 2) efficient in memory - meaning that versions need to share as many nodes as possible 3) efficient in modifcations - I would like it to be fast
I realize that I am asking for quite a bit here but I wanted to ask to avoid even trying to re-invent the wheel if it has already been done.