Normally using GDI+ in Delphi you can use a TPaintBox, and paint during the OnPaint event:
procedure TForm1.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject);
g: TGPGraphics;
g := TGPGraphics.Create(PaintBox1.Canvas.Handle);
g.DrawImage(FSomeImage, 0, 0);
The problem with this paradigm is that creating a destroying a Graphics object each time is wasteful and poorly performing. Additionally, there are a few constructs availabe in GDI+ you can only use when you have a persistent Graphics object.
The problem, of course, is when can i create that Graphics object? i need to know when the handle becomes available, and then when it is no longer valid. i need this information so i can create and destroy my Graphics object.
Solution Attempt Nº1
i can solve the creation problem by creating it when it is really needed - on the first time the paint cycle is called:
procedure TForm1.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject);
if FGraphics = nil then
FGraphics := TGPGraphics.Create(PaintBox1.Canvas.Handle);
FGraphics.DrawImage(FSomeImage, 0, 0);
But i have to know when the device context is no longer valid, so i can destroy my FGraphcis object, so that it is re-created the next time it's needed. If for some reason the TPaintBox's device context gets recreated, i would be drawing on an invalid device context the next time OnPaint is called.
What is the intended mechanism in Delphi for me to know when the device context handle of a TPaintBox is created, destroyed, or re-created?