The university where I teach is currently restructuring in a major way. Alas, we have been told that we have one week to respond to a current plan which includes discontinuing computer science as a teaching discipline, and breaking the current computer science department between mathematics and electrical engineering.
Merging the whole school into either Maths or EE is apparently considered inappropriate because the resulting school would be too large. Staying as a separate discipline is also considered inappropriate because we are too small. But, everyone in CS feels that breaking us up will destroy CS as a discipline at our university.
This is at a quite highly regarded institution that places high value on science, the arts, law, medicine and engineering. It is in a major city that is somewhat isolated so generally it provides the only serious choice for those that want a more academic focus to their studies. But computer science is somehow is considered vocational and not academic enough - something better taught at a technical school.
What is the best way to convince our administrators that computer science is an important discipline, within the next week?