




Hi guys,

I have an urgent issue.

I'm using mediaplug-ruby to get the images cropped on the fly.

I went through mediaplug-ruby doc(the http://github.com/intridea/mediaplug-ruby/blob/master/README.rdoc) and it says, i have to supply my site url, which id id.

The image-url i supplied is:http://s3.amazonaws.com/lifetuner-production/photos/41/JPond%5Fuser%5Fphoto%5Fmedium.jpg The actions on it being: resize (width=100 and format= png), crop (location=center, width=100,height=100, format=png)

And, my site = lifetuner.org (yet under development)

So, the final url = http://mp.lifetuner.org/mp/get?mpsrc=http%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2Flifetuner-production%2Fphotos%2F41%2FJPond%5Fuser%5Fphoto%5Fmedium.jpg&mpaction=resize%20width%3D100%20format%3Dpng%3Bcrop%20location%3Dcenter%20width%3D100%20height%3D100%20format%3Dpng

This url ain't working.

Am i missing something, should i have some background-config or should i add something at the server-side.

Plz, urgent-help needed !


I think your trouble may be in the URL.

The one you supplied decodes to

http://mp.lifetuner.org/mp/get?mpsrc=http://s3.amazonaws.com/lifetuner-production/photos/41/JPond_user_photo_medium.jpg&mpaction=resize width=100 format=png;crop location=center width=100 height=100 format=png

In the doc example, their url decodes to

http://mp.yourserver.com/mp/get?mpsrc=http://some.url&mpaction=resize width=>100 height=>100 format=jpg;crop location=center width=100 height=100 format=jpg

You're missing the > after the equals sign in some directives... Hope that helps a bit, though of course I have no idea if that's all the problem since I've not used this service personally.

Actually it looks like the angle bracket comes from how the size is specified


which indicates if you're increasing or decreasing the size according to http://wiki.gomediaplug.com/mediaplug/published/Image+API

But ultimately, since your site returns a 404 type page - I'd make sure the service is configured correctly on your server.

Alex JL