Hi guys,
I have an urgent issue.
I'm using mediaplug-ruby to get the images cropped on the fly.
I went through mediaplug-ruby doc(the http://github.com/intridea/mediaplug-ruby/blob/master/README.rdoc) and it says, i have to supply my site url, which id id.
The image-url i supplied is:http://s3.amazonaws.com/lifetuner-production/photos/41/JPond%5Fuser%5Fphoto%5Fmedium.jpg The actions on it being: resize (width=100 and format= png), crop (location=center, width=100,height=100, format=png)
And, my site = lifetuner.org (yet under development)
This url ain't working.
Am i missing something, should i have some background-config or should i add something at the server-side.
Plz, urgent-help needed !