It is probably a good idea to store you stuff somewhere else (ie. either an external hard-disk or online).
If you want the features of source control, then you need an online source control repository. There are plenty of them around, some free, some paid for. Assembla, GitHub, Unfuddle and Devja Vu are some of the common ones. I use the free version of Beanstalk personally and find it very useful.
If you just want some off-site storage, then look at sites like DropBox (although DropBox does allow versioning of files), or even Microsoft Live which provides several GB of disk space.
Whilst you can pay for most/all of these services, there is usually a free version to get started with which has lower storage space or less features. These free accounts are good to try-before-you-buy if you really need that extra storage space or features. It pays to test a few sites to see which fits what you need first.