I get an "object variable or With block variable not set " error in the following code. Th line that gets the error is all = GetPayAllocation(rsPrj, 10, 1)
If I check the properties of the all variable they have values.
Any ideas?
Public Function tmptest1()
Dim rsPrj As Recordset
If Not Connection Then Exit Function
gSQL = "SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE ProjectID=7893"
If Not GetODBCRecordset(gSQL, rsPrj) Then Exit Function
Dim all As PayAllocation
all = GetPayAllocation(rsPrj, 10, 1)
Debug.Print all.ManagementFee
End Function
Public Function GetPayAllocation(rsPrj As Recordset, invHours As Double, invweeksofpay As Integer) As PayAllocation
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim all As PayAllocation
Set all = New PayAllocation
If Not all.Calculate(rsPrj, invHours, invweeksofpay) Then GoTo ErrExit
Set GetPayAllocation = all
Exit Function
GeneralErrorHandler ("GetPayAllocation")
Resume ErrExit
End Function
This the PayAllocation class module
Public PayRate As Double Public Margin As Double Public ManagementFee As Double Public PayrollTax As Double Public AgencyCommission As Double Public Total As Double
Public Function Calculate(rsPrj As Recordset, invHours As Double, invweeksofpay As Integer) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim multiplier As Double
multiplier = GetMultiplierValue(rsPrj, invHours, invweeksofpay)
PayRate = GetValue(multiplier, rsPrj!PayRateInclSuper)
Total = PayRate
If rsPrj!MarginRateInclInPayRate = False Then
If rsPrj!MarginRatePercent Then
Margin = GetValue(rsPrj!MarginRate, PayRate)
Margin = GetValue(multiplier, rsPrj!MarginRate)
End If
Total = Total + Margin
End If
If rsPrj!LMFInclInPayRate = False Then
If rsPrj!LMFPercent Then
ManagementFee = GetValue(rsPrj!LMF, PayRate)
ManagementFee = GetValue(multiplier, rsPrj!LMF)
End If
Total = Total + ManagementFee
End If
If rsPrj!PayrollTaxInclInPayRate = False Then
If rsPrj!PayrollTaxPercent Then
PayrollTax = GetValue(rsPrj!PayrolltaxAmount, PayRate)
PayrollTax = GetValue(multiplier, rsPrj!PayrolltaxAmount)
End If
Total = Total + PayrollTax
End If
If rsPrj!AgencyCommInclInPayRate = False Then
If rsPrj!AgencyCommPercent Then
AgencyCommission = GetValue(rsPrj!AgencyComm, PayRate)
AgencyCommission = GetValue(multiplier, rsPrj!AgencyComm)
End If
Total = Total + AgencyCommission
End If
If rsPrj!MarginRateOnTop Then
If rsPrj!MarginRatePercent Then
Margin = GetValue(rsPrj!MarginRate, Total)
Margin = GetValue(multiplier, rsPrj!MarginRate)
End If
Total = Total + Margin
End If
If rsPrj!LMFOnTop Then
If rsPrj!LMFPercent Then
ManagementFee = GetValue(rsPrj!LMF, Total)
ManagementFee = GetValue(multiplier, rsPrj!LMF)
End If
Total = Total + ManagementFee
End If
If rsPrj!PayrollTaxOnTop Then
If rsPrj!PayrollTaxPercent Then
PayrollTax = GetValue(rsPrj!PayrolltaxAmount, Total)
PayrollTax = GetValue(multiplier, rsPrj!PayrolltaxAmount)
End If
Total = Total + PayrollTax
End If
If rsPrj!AgencyCommOnTop Then
If rsPrj!AgencyCommPercent Then
AgencyCommission = GetValue(rsPrj!AgencyComm, Total)
AgencyCommission = GetValue(multiplier, rsPrj!AgencyComm)
End If
Total = Total + AgencyCommission
End If
Calculate = True
ErrExit: Exit Function ErrHandler: Calculate = False Resume ErrExit End Function
Private Function GetMultiplierValue(rsPrj As Recordset, invHours As Double, invweeksofpay As Integer) As Double
Dim value As Double
Select Case rsPrj!HourlyDailyMthly
Case "Hourly"
value = invHours
Case "Daily"
value = invHours
Case "Weekly"
value = CDbl(invweeksofpay)
Case "Monthly"
End Select
GetMultiplierValue = value
End Function
Private Function GetValue(multiplier As Double, amount As Double)
GetValue = format(multiplier * amount, "0.00")
End Function