



I have an eclipse project containing a source file. Now I have a different version of that file somewhere in the filesystem (not inside an eclipse project).

I can open the second file in eclipse, but I find no way to compare it to the first file.

How can I compare these two files?

+1  A: 

A simple way is to make a temporary copy in your Eclipse workspace, in the same directory to make it even easier. Then compare, then delete.

Not the ideal theoretical way, but fast and simple to remember.

It's what I use, but I'm open to improving my ways :-)

+2  A: 

Or use WinMerge as external programm - aslo not true way, but fast and simple.

Interesting article "Compare with" Dialog


All those are bad answers... rather have "there's no way" and go back to diff than very cumbersome ways...

This should be as simple as: "mark first file-->right click-->select to compare" then "mark second file-->right click-->compare to xxxx" (xxxx is whatever you first marked) Bam ! Compare is up.

Another useful option to keep in mind: "mark second file-->right click-->" and have an option to mark this as first compare, in case you change your mind.

Simple as bread and butter.
