Is there a more elegant way to write the portion of the test script which is O/S dependant?
Please refer to the code below the comment line.
Background: Module Perl::Tags creates a tags file for VIM. On Win32 the directory separator is "\" but on other OS's it is "/". Vim's Perl-support module seems to read the tags file quite happily, so there seems to be no need to modify the module.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict; use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Test::More tests => 6;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use_ok( 'Perl::Tags' );
my $naive_tagger = Perl::Tags::Naive->new( max_level=>1 );
ok (defined $naive_tagger, 'created Perl::Tags' );
isa_ok ($naive_tagger, 'Perl::Tags::Naive' );
isa_ok ($naive_tagger, 'Perl::Tags' );
my $result =
files => [ "$Bin/" ],
refresh=> 1
ok ($result, 'processed successfully' ) or diag "RESULT $result";
# Other tests also fail because \ on Win32 vs / on Linux/ OS X
if ( $^O =~ /MSWin32/ ) {
like ($naive_tagger, qr{Test\t\S+\\\t/package Test;/} , 'package line');
} else {
like ($naive_tagger, qr{Test\t\S+/\t/package Test;/} , 'package line');