You cannot make TODO Markers show up in Mylyn's Task List. However, as Brendon mentions it is trivial for you to create a Mylyn Task from a TODO Marker. All you need to do is:
- Open the Markers View
- Right click on the Marker of interest
- Select "New Task from Marker"
- Decide which repository to create the task in
The Mylyn Task will be automatically populated with some relevant information. The summary will be set to something like this "Java Task: FIXME make private" and the description will be filled in with a reference to the file and line number, like this:
Resource: org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui/src/org/eclipse/mylyn/internal/provisional/commons/ui/
Location: line 37
I suggest you just keep the TODO Markers in your code until you want one of the developers to work on it, then use the Markers View to quickly create a Mylyn Task and assign it to a particular developer.
David Shepherd