



How would I use the apc.filters parameter in APC opcode caching to not cache certain paths? For example, I want caching to be active for anything under the path:


and exclude paths like


I tried using

apc.cache_by_default = 0
apc.filters = "+/var/www/vhosts"


apc.cache_by_default = 1
apc.filters = "-/usr/share/psa-horde/"

But neither worked as I expected.

Should the filter be something more like "+/var/www/vhosts/*" (note the wildcard)? I'm afraid this isn't possible because of the way filters works:

Note that the filename used for matching is the one passed to include/require, not the absolute path.

Any ideas or sample configurations?

+1  A: 

The filter should be a comma separated list of POSIX extended regular expressions. I believe what you have in the second attempt only matches the exact path /usr/share/psa-horde/, and not /usr/share/psa-horde/something or /usr/share/psa-horde/anotherfile.php

The following should match anything in the sub folder

apc.filters = "-/usr/share/psa-horde/.*"
David Caunt
Hmm, good call, but I think it only works for the file name if the full path was used in the require statement: "Note that the filename used for matching is the one passed to include/require, not the absolute path."
e.g. tried "-/var/www/vhosts/*" and files in this directory are still being cached.
+2  A: 

A very late response, but just in case someone else is having this issue (I'm going to guess you may be/have been running a Plesk box, which is why I came across this).

Your best bet is to have APC in the list of loaded php modules, but have apc.enabled 0 in the master php.ini. Then, for each vhost you want to have it enabled for, add php_admin_value apc.enabled 1 to enable for each. Could be an issue if you have a ton of sites, but works for just a few.
