I'm using Enunciate to build a prototype REST api and need to include a jar containing custom code as a library.
My Ant Script looks like this:
<!--include all jars-->
<path id="en.classpath">
<fileset dir="${lib}">
<include name="**/*.jar" />
<!--define the task-->
<taskdef name="enunciate" classname="org.codehaus.enunciate.main.EnunciateTask">
<classpath refid="en.classpath" />
<mkdir dir="${dist}" />
<enunciate dir="${src}" configFile="${basedir}/enunciate.xml">
<include name="**/*.java" />
<classpath refid="en.classpath"/>
<export artifactId="spring.war.file" destination="${dist}/${war.name}" />
The problem is that my custom jar is being excluded from the WAR file. It is necessary to compile the enunciate annotated classes so the jar is obviously on the classpath at compile time but enunciate is failing to include it in the distribution. I have also noticed that several of the jars needed by enunciate are not being included in the WAR file.
Why are they being excluded and how do I fix it?