May be this ..
Global Variable access with the Square Bracket Notation
The square bracket notation requires that there be some sort of object reference to the left of the brackets.
["document"] //Array literal, not a Property Accessor!
-will produce an error if an attempt is made to assign a value to it, as it will be treated as an Array literal, if an attempt to read from it is made the one element array containing the string within the brackets is returned. Global variables are normally referenced by their one identifier alone. This would seem to exclude global variables from the possibility of being referenced using a string that held their identifier name or an expression that built, or returned, their name. However, javascript global variables (and global function names for that matter) are properties of a global object. Any identifier that holds a reference to the global object can be used to the left of the square brackets to form a property accessor that refers to a global variable.
In a web browser the global object is the window (or frame) in which the script is running. Each window (or frame) object contains a number of properties, at least two of which are references to the window (global object) itself. These properties are 'window' and 'self'. These property names can be used as the identifier to the left of the square brackets when referring to global variables. So given a global variable defined as:-
var anyName = 0;
As with any other use of the square bracket notation, the string within the brackets can be held in a variable or constructed/returned by an expression.
Code that is executing in the global context, the code within global functions (except Object constructors invoked with the new keyword) and inline code outside of any functions, could also use the this keyword to refer to the global object. The this keyword refers to an object depending on the execution context. For code executing in the global context this is the global object (on a web browser, the window object). As a result, the above variable could be referred to as this["anyName"], but only in code that is executing in the global context.
However, using the this keyword is very likely to be confusing, especially in scripts that include custom javascript objects where the methods (and constructors) of those objects would be using this to refer to their own object instances.
Some javascript implementations do not have a property of the global object that refers to the global object. Rather than trying to use the this keyword to access global variables it is possible to create your own global variable that refers to the global object.
var myGlobal = this;
executed as inline code at the start of a script will assign a reference to the global object (this in that context). From then on all global variables can be referenced with square bracket notation as:-
and expect myGlobal
to refer to the global object from any execution context.