I am trying to execute a .bat file from a classic ASP webservice on a box running Windows XP. The .bat file sets up the current directory and then runs a batch VB.NET console program. The VB.NEt program doesn't interrract with the user.
I am receiving a "permission denied" erroron the .asp line that attempts to execute the .bat file, but the message and the IIS log entries do not identify what is object and user are involved in the denial. I have given IUSR_machinename ful l access to the program folder and all of the objects within it.
The .asp script is
<% Option Explicit %> <% dim wshell set wshell = CreateObject("WScript.shell") wshell.run "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\STGCollection\STGCollection.bat" set wshell = nothing response.write "Process completed Normally" %>
The .bat file is
cd C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\STGCollection STGCollection.exe >>STCLOG.TXT
The error returned is
Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046) Permission denied /STGCollection.asp, line 10
where line 10 is
wshell.run "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\STGCollection\STGCollection.bat"
Is there a way to get more details about what object(s) & users are involved?
Thank you.