+2  A: 

I had the same problem and based on a VMWare support article http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1011709 I changed my graphics adapter from VMWare SVGA II to the default (native) Windows 7 driver.

This solved the problem for me.

we solved it in a slightly different way: I installed VMware Workstation 7 which comes with its own VMware Player and when that loaded our machine, it offered to update our VMware Tools, which we did, which solved the above problem.
Edward Tanguay
Both WPF and Silverlight appear to be slightly broken while running under VMWare Workstation, including v7 (I have XP as both host and quest). From what I can see, some mouse events are lost, which leads to quite bizarre behaviors (scrolling starting, but not ending, clicks not being registered)