
New features of WPF 4?

Hi, I've been unable to find articles describing in any detailed manner the new features of WPF in .Net 4.0. Where could I find that? Thanks! ...

Why does Visual Studio 2010 have rendering problems in VMware?

We were testing our WPF application on Windows XP in the VMware Player (with VMware Tools) and noticed that dropdowns were buggy in that all the choices would appear when you clicked on the ComboBox but as you moused over them they would disappear. We then noticed that Visual Studio Express 2010 has the exact same problem with its menus...

WPF ShaderEffect with PS 3.0 shaders

Where could I find examples of PS 3.0 shaders used as ShaderEffects for WPF 4? I'm looking for tutorials, presentations, any resource on this matter. ...

Why does UseLayoutRounding not seem to work with Viewbox?

I'm trying to write a tile-based game in WPF 4. I want the game board to scale to fit the window, so I'm using a Viewbox; but I want each tile to be on a nice, crisp pixel boundary. I might be wrong, but my understanding is that this is what the new UseLayoutRounding property is supposed to be for -- but it isn't working the way I expect...

WPF Cursor on a partially transparent image.

I have a png that contains transparent regions and I set it to the image tag but how am I able to set the cursor to a hand when it is over an opaque part of the image? Thanks Tony ...

WPF 4: What happened to DataGridColumnHeader?

What happened to DataGridColumnHeader? It looks like it was dropped when the DataGrid was moved into PresentationFramework. ...

Data-Virtualization problem with SurfaceScrollViewer

I'm in a situation where I'm using an ItemsControl with a SurfaceScrollViewer bound to an AsyncVirtualizingCollection and all of the data is being requested. I'm aware that it's due to the ItemsControl request all of the data but I'm not sure how to get around this. I've tried the AsyncVirtualizingCollection bound to a ListBox and it wo...

Create multiple inline elements in a text block using databinding

I want to take the following xml node <fragment> <b0>This is normal</b0> <b1>This has a yellow background</b1> <b2>This has a red background</b2> <b0>Back to normal</b0> </fragment> And use data binding to create <TextBlock> <Run>This is normal</Run> <Run Background="Yellow">fragment</Run> <Run Background=...

WPF DataGrid vertical sizing

I want to place a DataGrid inside a HeaderedContentControl but the the DataGrid does not get a vertical Scrollbar. It appears to be sized to hold all rows at once, the bottom disappearing from view. If I place the same DataGrid in a Border elelemnt I do get the behaviour I want. I have reduced it to this minimal example: <Grid> ...

How do I change the Typography defaults in WPF?

When a WPF applications starts, it has some standard settings that are applied to determine how text and numbers will look. Is there any way for me to change these default settings programatically? For instance, the FontNumeralAlignment documentation on MSDN states that a value of "Normal" means that "Default numeral alignment is used"....

How do I cache TreeViewItems to re-expand after a re-binding?

I have a TreeView that is bound to a collection class that I have no control over. Inside this class is a collection of objects, which each have their own collection of items. This hierarchy is fixed at 3 deep. The children of the TreeView are contained in an ObservableCollection and are updated in the TreeView accordingly. The collectio...

The best WPF4 Project on CodePlex.com

I'm learning this days about WPF and the amazing tool from Microsoft wich named "Expression Blend 4". It makes our work easier than ever to design our WPF and Silverlight apps,Particularly impressive to me is the SketchFlow feature, which enables rapid prototyping for our WPF and Silverlight applications.Meanwhile the ability to creat r...

WPF Webcam component crashes under .NET 4.0

I've got a WPF webcam component's source-code from Codeplex that I'm trying to port from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.0. Compiles just fine under both targets, but in the .NET 4.0 version, it crashes when running the app with a System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005): External component has thrown an exception at the line moniker...

doing validation in WPF 4 for non-binding attributes - what approach?

How should one handle validation in WPF 4 when there is no binding? Most of the validation doco I am reading seems to be for controls that have bindings. For example, just a main windows with some text boxes that a user would fill out, and then a button someone would then click on. One could do it manually I guess but wouldn't' there ...

what's an example of using the WPF validation framework to bubble up validation up the tree?

Hi, I'm reading with WPF part of the benefit of the validation based on binding framework is that validation events might bubble up the tree so to speak. What would be an example of where this would be useful? Just trying to understand. ...

WPF4 DataGridHeaderBorder in a xaml Style

Making a separate question, related to comments on the answer to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481946/wpf-4-what-happened-to-datagridcolumnheader It appears I can use DataGridHeaderBorder in a UserControl, stand-alone in a ResourceDictionary, but not in a Style's setter of a Template. <ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.mic...

What is the best book on WPF 4 for experience developer?

I have about 2 - 3 years of experience with WPF on .NET framework 3.5. I start programming in WPF by Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed, I use its as reference as well. Now, I have a plan to move to WPF 4, which I think I need to refresh my knowledge on WPF. I want to know can I still use my old book or it's better to buy new one...

WPF4: How do you set a value in a UserControl from the Main Window?

This has to be simple, at least it was in good old .Net where it took maybe four lines of code. I'm working in VS2010, C#, WPF4. I have a user control with a textbox. When I click a button in the main window, I want my user control textbox to reflect some text. Is this possible in WPF4 with less than 500 lines of esoteric code? The ...

WPF4 Partial Thrust, permission error

Hi All, I've just created a WPF 4 application. Then I go to the security tab in the properties, and set enable click once security, set it to Partial Thrust and set the zone to Internet. But when I run the application I get this error: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission, mscorlib, Versio...

WPF Sentinel objects and how to check for an internal type

Hi folks, As some of you have discovered, a new feature (?) appeared WPF 4, where the data binding engine may pass your custom control instances of the class MS.Internal.NamedObject with the name "{DisconnectedItem}" into the DataContext - instead of the data item your code is expecting (this happens when a templated control is disconne...