



What characteristics must a page element have for it to be able to accept an item that has been dragged from the favourites bar?

+1  A: 

I don't think there's any standard way to do this that would work in more than a single browser. HTML/JavaScript don't have any provisions for receiving drag drops from outside the document.

I believe this is something that Google is working to get included in HTML 5 to help with Wave.

Cogwheel - Matthew Orlando
If I told you that you can drag-and-drop a favourite from the bar to the edit box for the 'add subscription' form in the Google Reader, in FF and Chrome but not IE8 would that make a difference to your answer?
Bill Bell
Incidentally, thanks for answering!
Bill Bell
Basically what's going on is that they're treating the drag off the favorites bar as a copy and then pasting the result into the edit box. You should be able to see the same behavior if you drag text from another program (notepad, word, etc) into an edit box in IE.
Cogwheel - Matthew Orlando
To make something like this work in IE would probably require an IE addon. All of the copying and pasting is going on behind the scenes in the OS/browser, entirely outside the reach of any web standards currently in use.
Cogwheel - Matthew Orlando
Cogwheel, you are (of course) correct. I've just tried it. I'm going to have to approach this problem differently, I'm afraid.
Bill Bell