



Can you please name some large (maintained, with active communities) projects written using Perl? I'd like to be able to provide a list of mature, production-ready projects so that Perl can be seen as an alternative to other popular languages used today.

+9  A: 

Movable Type

+17  A: 

Off the top of my head:

You can find a list of notable Perl applications.

Also, remember that a lot of bioinformatics is done in Perl because of the powerful string searching capabilities. See, e.g., How Perl saved the Human Genome Projcet.

+9  A: 

Request Tracker is particularly large.

Jim Zajkowski
Having had the misfortune of using RT, I'm not entirely certain you want to list it on the "benefits of using Perl" list :)
Having had the pleasure of using RT for a few years now, I would certainly include it on this list.
Joe Casadonte
+4  A: 

SLASH, the Slashdot Like Automated Story-telling Homepage ... [nostalgica] Those were the days, haven't visited Slashdot for months since I've found reddit [/nostalgica]

Martin Hohenberg
+5  A: 
  • Open Ticket Request System, a well-known Trouble-Ticket-Management-Tool
  • Nagios, an Opensource Monitoring Software. At least the Webfrontend is written in Perl
Just a clarification, the web front end for Nagios is C. Nagios does have an embedded Perl interpreter that can be used by plugins though.
+7  A: 

SpamAssassin comes to mind.

Debian's dpkg (the tool that does all the heavy lifting in the package installation process) was originally a Perl application, but it's now written in C.

+6  A: 

Bricolage comes to mind.

+5  A: 

It's a commercial product rather than open source, but Sophos PureMessage is a very large application and written in Perl. (Disclaimer: they used to be my employer.)

+6  A: 

First off - ask yourself if Perl is a good fit for whatever project you are doing? If you do a project in Perl where it isn't a good fit, you'll be shooting yourself in the foot and probably give Perl a bad name in the minds of whoever you are working with.

That being said, would pointing out large companies & organizations that use Perl be of more help than large projects? A few I know of just off the top of my head:

  • Yahoo
  • Wall Street Journal
  • IMDB
  • BBC
  • Value Click

Also, this post lists some additional organizations: Perl Monks discussion

You may also consider checking or other job hunting sites to see which organizations are hiring Perl developers.

Kenny Drobnack
Plus, many Wall Street firms use Perl (I know of 3 personally)
+10  A: 

The Perl 5 Wiki has a lists of companies and applications which use Perl. At the bottom of the companies page you'll find links to additional lists of sites using various Perl frameworks.

+5  A: runs off catalyst, if memory serves correctly. That's a large project that serves a huge number of hits daily, regardless of how tasteful you find it.

I can confirm this (as a secondary, not primary source; I merely *know* people who work there :)
I can't help but wonder: is it deliberate that this example is not properly linked? (I.e. - self-censorship?)
I think others would have marked the post as offensive if he had linked it.
+6  A: 

Lots of fairly large internet sites use Catalyst, a perl web framework:

Catalyst itself is a fairly large, very active perl project.

+5  A: 

Top 3 Russian search system use Perl. mail uses Perl (they contribute some CPAN modules back to community).

Padre, Perl IDE is already big project and it is actively maintained.

Git VCS is partially written in Perl and SVK VCS is Perl-only.

WebGUI CMS, Webmin system administration tool, AWStats log analyzer, perlcritic tool, Jifty CMS, Plagger RSS aggregator, Smolder test aggregator, LiveJournal/Dreamwidth blogging systems, PAR tool to pack you program to executable, SqueezeCenter, MailScanner, Interchange, Freeside, Moose, Catalyst, DBIx::Class, CGI::Application and many, many others.

Alexandr Ciornii
+4  A: 

It had to be done..
