




As I had feared some of our old VB6 projects are not playing nice with Windows 7. Some of our customers have already upgraded and our one product is returning this error every time you run the executable:

The procedure entry point_except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll

First thing I tried was creating a .local in the folder so it uses all the DLL and OCX files packaged with the product. That didn't do anything, though I'm not sure if this .local trick still works in Win7.

Tried turning on compatibility for several previous versions of Windows, that had no effect either.

Hopefully someone else has some more suggestions, as my Google-Fu has failed me on this one.


Google suggests to me that it's a driver problem.
The Visual Basic 6 runtime is supported by Microsoft on Windows 7, so you could try their technical support. If you have an MSDN subscription you probably have some free support incidents
