I am writing a JScript script with iTunes COM api for updating ratings
and played count
from the iPod database back into iTunes Library. In order to do so, the script should be able to recognize the songs that were transferred from this iTunes Library, so that it can read the ratings data for the track on iPod and update the corresponding track in the iTunes Library
Here's the code I've written:
var iTunesApp = WScript.createObject("iTunes.Application");
var mainLibrary = iTunesApp.LibraryPlaylist;
var iPodLibraryPlaylist = playlists.Item(1); // get the main iPod Library playlist(leaving the unimportant portion)
for(j=0; j <= iPodLibraryPlaylist.Tracks.Count - 1; j++) {
foo = iPodLibraryPlaylist.Tracks.Item(j+1); // j+1, coz this index is 1-based (why apple...why?)
bar = mainLibrary.Tracks.ItemByPersistentID(iTunesApp.ITObjectPersistentIDHigh(foo), iTunesApp.ITObjectPersistentIDLow(foo));
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(bar.Name); // should print the name of the track, but throws runtime error: Object required
According to the iTunes COM API
You can retrieve a source, playlist, or track with a specified persistent ID using the ItemByPersistentID property of the appropriate collection interface
ItemByPersistentID returns an IITTrack object with the specified persistent ID
Now the questions are:
- Am I right in saying that the 64-bit Persistent ID for a track in iTunes Library remains the same when the track is transferred to an iPod.
- Is there anything wrong in the way i'm using the
- Is there any totally other way to do this?
PS: There are 662 songs on the test iPod, so there's no problem there
Any help is much appreciated! thnx!