I want the simplest possible way to pop up simple dialogs in Python scripts. Ideally, the solution would:
- Work on Windows, OS X, Gnome, KDE
- Look like a native dialog on any OS
- Require minimal code
To pop up a simple standard dialog should require only minimal code. Essentially you're just saying "Pop up a standard dialog with this text", or "Pop up a dialog with question x and feed response into variable y".
I don't want to know about GUI frameworks or have to set up code that says "start a GUI thread, register an event handler, configure some window properties, run a loop", etc. I don't want to have to set up a window or close the window afterward. I give it the text to put in the window, it tells me what the user clicked on. Everything else should be taken care of automatically.
I've listed Zenity and EasyGUI as example answers, since they're similar to what I want, but not perfect.