Hi all,
I have the below markup that cannot be changed:
<div>Some data</div>
<span>More data</span>
<a>Link 1</a>
<a>Link 2</a>
I want it to appear rendered so that the div is all the way to the left and the span is all the way to the right whilst links 1 and 2 are to the right of the span.
|<div> <span><a1><a2>|
Where |'s indicate the edge of the containing div.
I can get the below with float left on the div and float right on the other elements but you can see this is not exactly what I want.
|<div> <a2><a1><span>|
Given that the data in the span will not always be the same size a fixed margin/padding won't work.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.