




I 'm reading OOAD book and I found it hard to comprehend some topic, so I think I need some book about OOP. I found they talk about "Object-Oriented Software Construction" in my OOAD book so I go to amazon and read some comments that is vary.

I want to know is it worth to read this book or not, is it has another book can I walk though to learn OOP in depth?


A book is always worth reading even the poorer books I have read have always offered something. Also I find when I reread the book I pick up things I missed the first time. I have not read the book you refer to but since you have it I would read it and things you don't understand perhaps ask about here or search online for clarification.

Paul Whelan
+1  A: 

I would recommend reading it, it's one of the seminal books on pure object-oriented software development.

Frank Grimm
+1  A: 

OOSC is a great book to read. It provides great insight into object-oriented design. What's more, it's one of few books providing scientific analysis of syntax constructs.

There're some gotchas' though:

  • the language being used in book is Eiffel, which differs greatly from mainstream OO languages in its terminology, conventions, syntax and semantics.

  • graphics notation being used also differs from popular notations;

  • the book is BIG!

But all of this can be considered as advantage of course =) After all, it is nice to learn something completely different.

+1  A: 

In my humble opinion, OOSC is probably one of the best OO books around. Be sure to get the 2nd edition!

I remember the joy of discovering, after having read a few hundreds pages, that the "specification language" that Meyer had been using was anything but Eiffel, a compilable OO language. Highly recommended.

+1  A: 

It is a good book (I got Bertrand to sign mine) but it is a big book (likely to lead to concussion if read in bed) and arguably not a beginner book. If you find it heavy going I'd come back to if once you've got the basis of OO or if you want a view/answer on a specific point.
