



I have an odd problem in my current project. Lazy loading for queries does not work. When I query a list, nhibernate fetches all associations separately.

I extracted small parts of it and put it into a separate solution. Basically what I've got now, is a Account-Table and a AccountSync-Table. Both have an ID and a URL, while the ID is just a db-guid.

My classes are:

public class HippoAccount
    public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Url { get; set; }
    public virtual HippoAccountSync Sync { get; set; }

public class HippoAccountSync
    public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }

    public virtual string Url { get; set; }
    public virtual HippoAccount Account { get; set; }

When I now load a object via it's guid:

var account = session.Load<HippoAccount>(accountId);
Console.WriteLine(NHibernateUtil.IsPropertyInitialized(account, "Sync"))

... it returns false and account itself is a proxy.

But when loading a list via the criteria API:

var account = (HippoAccount)session
    .CreateCriteria(typeof (HippoAccount))
    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("Id", accountId))

... the property Sync gets initialized (firing a second select query), and the returned object is not a proxy.

Is that default behaviour? What am I getting wrong?

The mapping is:

<class name="HippoAccount" table="AllAccounts">
  <id name="Id" type="guid">
    <generator class="guid"/>
  <property name="Url" />

    <column name="url" />

<class name="HippoAccountSync"

  <id name="Id" type="guid">
    <generator class="guid"/>

  <property name="Url">
    <column name="serviceUri" />

  <many-to-one class="HippoAccount"

    <column name="serviceUri" />

+2  A: 

After quite some more research, I found the answers. Answers, because there are many things that can prevent lazy loading in NHibernate.

  1. Query vs. session.Load: When fetching an item via session.Load() you get a proxy. But as soon as you access any property, lets say the Url, the object is fetched including all it's associations that doesn't support lazy loading.

  2. property-ref: Lazy loading only works over a objects id. When an property-association is resolved via a different column in the target entity, NH fetches it eagerly. Not that this wouldn't be possible, it's just not implemented: Bug

  3. not-found="ignore" allows invalid foreign keys, that is, if the referenced entity isn't found NH will init the property with null. NH doesn't intercept the property-access for lazy loading, but instead assignes a object proxy. With not-found="ignore" it can't decide if the property should be set to null or a proxy for the given, possibly invalid, foreign key. This could possibly be solved by intercepting the property access.

  4. When disabling not-found="ignore" and property-ref the schema export would generate constraints that enforce a circular reference. Not good! The correct mapping would then be a constrained one-to-one relationship, where the key for HippoAccountSync must have a generator foreign.


Lars Corneliussen
With session.Load(), you can, of course, safely access the Id property of the proxy without hitting the database, since you gave the proxy the Id to begin with.