Hello I have this query :
SELECT o.id, o.id as oid, o.id as orderId, o.cid, o.date, o.state,
o.price, o.currency, o.lastChange, o.url AS permalink, o.period,
o.bloggerId, o.bloggerShare, o.offerValidity, o.rebate, o.cid,
o.reason, o.bidReason, o.bidDate, o.bidPeriod, o.rate,
o.lastChange2, o.permalinkDate, o.cancelDate, o.bidValidDate,
o.acceptDate, o.approveDate, o.archived, o.bloggerPrice,
o.customerPrice, o.cancelReason, o.listPrice, o.adFormat,
o.lastPayDate, o.startDate, o.endDate, o.customerBidDate,
o.zoneId, c.campaignStartDate, c.campaignEndDate,
c.type as campaignType, c.test, c.test1, c.special, c.packageId,
c.fixPrice, c.type, c.priceBidding, c.textCreation, o.hiddenField,
o.startDate, p.url as producturlold, p.pressurl, p.companyurl,
p.blogurl, p.mediaurl, p.short,
p.description as productDescription, p.description2, p.image,
c.teaser, c.kind, c.title, mc.country as campaignCountry,
c.minlen, c.productPrice, c.currency as campaignCurrency,
c.productTitle, c.url, c.producturl, c.pressurl, c.companyurl,
c.blogurl, c.mediaurl, c.description, c.image, c.teaser,
c.productReturn, c.testProduct, c.mid as customerId, c.adText,
c.fixAdText, c.requiresBlog, c.bidStop, c.accountingPeriod,
c.actionCodeType, c.actionCodesDescription, ac.code,
ac2.code as massCode, b.title as blogtitle, b.url as bloggerurl,
b.pis as pis, b.uniqueVisitors as uvs, b.pisCounter as pisCounter,
b.uvsCounter as uvsCounter, b.aPI as aPI, b.aUV as aUV,
b.id as blogId, p.title as productTitleOld,
b.lastChange as blogLastChange, b.trRank, r1.rate as orderRate,
r2.Rate as memberRate, b.reviews
FROM rates r1, rates r2, orders o
left join blog b on (o.blogId = b.id)
left join codes ac on (ac.orderId = o.id), campaign c
left join product p on (c.productId = p.id)
left join codes ac2 on (ac2.campaignId = c.id and
c.actionCodeType = 2),
person mc
where o.cid = c.id
and mc.mid = c.mid
and o.id = '223704'
and o.state <> 0
and r1.currency = o.currency
and r2.currency = 'EUR'
and r1.date = FROM_UNIXTIME(o.date, '%Y-%m-%d')
and r2.date = r1.date
I wnat to test if memberRate and orderRate is Null it should continue how can i do that? Any idea?