



Hi there,

I have the following expression in linq (its a join) and i am selecting into "J" because i need to use J later (currently i just selecting J but once i have this fixed i plan on use J within another subquery after)

But it won't let me supply a where using the "V" side hence v.IdOFfice is invalid. I have tried swapping around the joins and that what happens i can't use the "GVT"..

WIth specifying the where it works perfect but i need to specify 2 wheres that are present in the 2 tables ... hence IdOffice and IdTariff are in there own tables .. they are not both ....

(from gvt in Tariffs
join v in Items
on gvt.IdGroupItem equals v.IdGroupItem 
into j
where v.IdOffice == 1 && gvt.IdTariff == 111
select j).Take(50)

Probably something silly, it appears the table specified after the join i am not able to use in the where?

Any ideas?


This is basically what i am trying to achieve

from gvt in Tariffs
  join v in Items
  on gvt.IdGroupItem equals v.IdGroupItem 
  into j
  where v.IdOffice == 1 && gvt.IdTariff == 111
  select new
      id = v.IdItem
      Tariff = from j
    test = j.TariffDesc,
        test1 = j.TariffPrice

basicaly i end up with 1 record with Id and a field which as many tariffs inside - if this makes sense?


Query working great,

it would be nice to be able to use an extension method (c#) like so ... is this possible so i can dynamically set tariff ... so for example i do the query and i have an extension method (which i already use on simple queries) like so

    public static IQueryable<Models.ItemTariffCol> WithTariffId(this IQueryable<Models.ItemTariffCol> qry, int tariffId)
        return from t in qry
               where t.IdTarifa == tariffId
               select t;

this makes it very extensible ? If its a normal where i can do this but the query isn't in the where

Thank you.

+1  A: 

You're doing a group join here, since you're using into. This means that for every gvt, you have not one Item, but possibly several (or none). The list of all items is stored in j, as an IEnumerable<Item>. If you want to select all tariffs for which there's at least one item with IdOffice == 1, then you can do it like this:

from gvt in Tariffs
join v in Items
     on gvt.IdGroupItem equals v.IdGroupItem 
     into j
where gvt.IdTariff == 111 && j.Any(v => v.IdOffice == 1)

After the answer edit, it seems that you've started from the wrong direction as well - so far as I can see, you want a list of tariffs for every item, not the list of items for every tariff. For that, you need to reverse your join:

from item in Items
join tariff in Tariffs
     on item.IdGroupItem equals tariff.IdGroupItem 
     into tariffs
where item.IdOffice == 1
select new
    Id = item.IdItem,
    Tariffs = from tariff in tariffs
              where tariff.IdTariff == 111
              select new { tariff.TariffDesc, tariff.TariffPrice }

Or you could filter tariffs right in the join:

from item in Items
join tariff in (from t in Tariffs where t.IdTariff == 111 select t)
     on item.IdGroupItem equals tariff.IdGroupItem 
     into tariffs
where item.IdOffice == 1
select new
    Id = item.IdItem,
    Tariffs = from tariff in tariffs
              select new { tariff.TariffDesc, tariff.TariffPrice }
Pavel Minaev
Thanks PAvel, i updated my original question with basically what i am trying to achieve, as you will see i am using J further down.. Does this help?
mark smith
Check updated answer.
Pavel Minaev
Thank you very much this works great!, I wonder if i can bother you 1 last time.. I need the query to be extensible with extension methods .. i will update my question so i can use code formatting...
mark smith
I have updated my original question, i think i have explained it correctly.... Thanks for your continued help....
mark smith
to be more specific with item.IdOffice i can use a simple extension method so i can pass it a value using the extension method hence the original query retrusn everything and with the ext method i can say WithOfficeId(1) for example
mark smith
You'd just remove `where` from the query in my answer, and filter over `Id` field in your extension method, then. However, you'd need to define a named type then, since you can't declare a method (extension or no) taking an argument of anonymous type.
Pavel Minaev
Thank you Pavel, everything seems to work now .. A big thank you.. i will accept the answer above - you really helped..
mark smith