




I am just started to employ some new programmers for a trial period. They are students so nobody know if they're good or not. I would like to give them some typical tasks at the beginning to see how skilled they are.

The problem I have is that I want them to write some bits for my mvc web application, but I don't want them to get full source code access.

I would like them to upload new code into repository to be automatically picked up by continous integration system and tested.

At the moment I have no idea how to give them partial access to the source code. Typically, I want them to develop controllers and views, not code of models or services (at last, not modifying the existing ones).

Can you suggest an approach to solve this? How is it done in your organization?

Thanks for sharing.

EDIT: We use SVN for source versioning. I know the most productive would be giving full source access, but is it wise to show everything to people you don't know more than a few days?

Of course, they must sign the secrecy commitment, but this is a wish only.

+1  A: 

I've never been restricted in terms of the source code I can see when I work for new clients. Unless your encapsulations are good, and well-documented, at some point people are going to have to determine what's under the covers.

Tell them what they can/cannot modify. You'll have logs of code changes, so you can identify who's made changes where (do you get mails relating to checkins ? These will give you an immediate heads up). But I think restricting what they can see is going to be counter productive. And I think there's a trust issue here as well. I would be a bit peeved if I was hired and then not trusted to not touch certain stuff!

Brian Agnew
I don't think it is as much seeing it as it is modifying it, from what the OP is describing.
I am sure giving the whole source code access could be motivating. I am just considering it not wise in terms of security and business risk.
@twk - it's not a case of giving them all the source code motivates them - rather not trusting them to be responsible will *demotivate* them
Brian Agnew
+23  A: 

Give them their own branch. Review their work before merging it. Tell them what bits you want them to work on.

Doing it any other way would be a giant pain which you'd have to undo later if they end up not sucking. Bravo for encouraging a method based on communication and trust instead of silly checkin triggers.
I am not feared about their commits, as with svn you can easily revert to any version back.I just want to limit what they see - dont wanna show the whole source code, just - for example - the UI.
Limiting their ability to see the code is a complete waste of time and energy. It'll be more trouble than it's worth.
Mark Bessey
Mark, this is someting I am considering now :)
+1  A: 

One way would be to use your source control to limit their permissions to certain areas.

Another way would be to create a branch for each developer for them to work on. Then merge the branch back when their work is done and everything looks good.

+2  A: 

If you do not want them to modify anything other than the Views and Controllers, it can be done. We do exactly that where I work. We use Team Foundation Server, and directly remove the "check-in" permissions. For us, they are not developers, but front-end designers.

To see how it might work for you, though, we need to know if you are using a version control system, and what it is - since that is a fairly straightforward approach. Alternatively, if the rest of your code is in a different assembly, you could always just supply them with the DLL files and their references could be set up to only use the DLL references instead.

I think this approach in some situations could make the new programmers feel underestimated and unmotivated (If I were your developer I'd fell like that).
Depends on the situation. For the one it is applied for it is perfectly reasonable. Front-end designers stay out of back-end code and back-end developers don't pretend to be designers. It is a trade off that both sides end up liking. As for the OP situation, many places are going to limit exposure for new hires and gradually broaden. It isn't as much a trust issue as an exposure issue.
+3  A: 

Put the source for the model/services in a separate area of your scm/version control. Have your automated builds create libraries (dll's) for the model/services. This way they are able to use the services, but will not be able to modify or look at the source code.

thanks, this makes sense to me. The way to go would be to separate parts of the code into dlls.

Depends a bit what you actually want to do.

Do you want to stop them reading the code or just stop them from checking in code.

  • You could give them read only access to the area's that you do not want them to change.
  • You should have coninuous integration so that you will know if someone checks in something that does not build.
  • You could also have a setting in TFS that code should be signed as reviewed when it is checked in.
Shiraz Bhaiji
I want prevent them reading the whole source code.
Will they be able to compile the code they have access to, without having access to the rest?
Shiraz Bhaiji
Shiraz: at the moment- no. I would need to separate the app into parts and share dlls.

Export the repository as plain files and give them a CD, then let them setup a git repository and CI. Then you might know a little bit more about the people.

If you have dll:s you can send them a copy and a connection string to the db and import their code by our self.

this would need lot of additional work.
That's why a branch is a so much better alternative, but I thought that wasn't an option.