



Can someone give me a good explanation on the motivation and application of JTA in modern Java applications? I don't want overly technical details. But just a paragraph on why do we need JTA, what does JTA accomplish, and maybe a piece of pseudo code showing how JTA is being used?

+1  A: 

JTA defines the semantics (specification + API) of the orchestration that allows for 3rd party enterprise information systems and your application to exchange information with integrity.

JTA Specification. Introduction pretty much sums it up.

Elaborate a bit more?

This has a fairly nice explanation of what JTA is:

To learn more you can look at the link at the top of this page, the pdf version of the tutorial. As you search for JTA you will find code for JTA.

James Black
+1  A: 

JTA allows you to write code or systems having multiple transactional resources: databases, message queues, your own custom resource, or resources accessed from multiple processes, perhaps on multiple hosts, as participants in a single transaction.

Stephen Denne