Hello all,
I have currently run into an issue while toying with Lua and the alien module to use Win32 API and such from Lua scripts. So far I have only had a single issue with alien which is with the use of API that use certain structures such as CreateFontIndirect.
For example:
HFONT CreateFontIndirectA( const LOGFONT& lplf );
typedef struct tagLOGFONT {
LONG lfHeight;
LONG lfWidth;
LONG lfEscapement;
LONG lfOrientation;
LONG lfWeight;
BYTE lfItalic;
BYTE lfUnderline;
BYTE lfStrikeOut;
BYTE lfCharSet;
BYTE lfOutPrecision;
BYTE lfClipPrecision;
BYTE lfQuality;
BYTE lfPitchAndFamily;
The issue lies with the font face name. I cannot get Lua to keep a string inside the structure itself, it always pushes a pointer into the structure. So there is no way, that I can figure out, to be able to use this API purely from Lua.
This is what I got working to a point:
LOGFONT = alien.defstruct {
{ 'lfHeight', 'long' },
{ 'lfWidth', 'long' },
{ 'lfEscapement', 'long' },
{ 'lfOrientation', 'long' },
{ 'lfWeight', 'long' },
{ 'lfItalic', 'byte' },
{ 'lfUnderline', 'byte' },
{ 'lfStrikeOut', 'byte' },
{ 'lfCharSet', 'byte' },
{ 'lfOutPrecision', 'byte' },
{ 'lfClipPrecision', 'byte' },
{ 'lfQuality', 'byte' },
{ 'lfPitchAndFamily', 'byte' },
{ 'lfFaceName', 'string' } -- This line isn't working properly.
gdi32 = alien.load( "gdi32.dll" )
gdi32.CreateFontIndirectA:types {
ret = 'long',
abi = 'stdcall',
An example to call it:
local lf = LOGFONT:new()
lf.lfHeight = 14
lf.lfWidth = 0
lf.lfEscapement = 0
lf.lfOrientation = 0
lf.lfWeight = 400
lf.lfItalic = 0
lf.lfUnderline = 0
lf.lfStrikeOut = 0
lf.lfCharSet = 0
lf.lfOutPrecision = 0
lf.lfClipPrecision = 0
lf.lfQuality = 0
lf.lfPitchAndFamily = 0
lf.lfFaceName = 'Terminal'
local hFont = gdi32.CreateFontIndirectA( lf() )
Debugging my application that runs my script shows that the api is being called properly, everything is passed properly except the font face. I've tried various different methods to get it working but I cant get it to go as needed.
Any tips on fixing this without hard-coding anything else into the exe?