



Hi there, For the life of me I can not figure out why my table will not display properly. ( until source is corrected ) ( CSS file)

I am only posting it this way because the automation of this help script feels it is spam. I have never openly asked for help before so this is new to me.

Admin 365 Hosting

+1  A: 

You have several HTML errors. Try to help fix it. I like to use HTML Validator firefox plugin when I'm coding.

Lance Rushing
Thanks for the responce. I did in fact use the validtor, other editors and even when the source code 'seems to be error free' it still will not align properly.
I see the errors but that is my index page. And the errors/warnings it is displaying are from the affiliate links supplied by the authors. Stats, Live Chat support. The google search box I can change. But the page in question is my hosting1.html - trying to get the table to display with the article boxes aligned properly to the right. Not under everything. LOL - just putting an image file is last resort, but still, I have to figure this out. It is going to nic pick at me until I do. I appreciate all the feedback. I am still learning proper coding routines too.
My <div class="left_articles"> from the original .css file was being over written from my table I validated in my editor. For now I have it staright and the table rows/cells were not displaying correctly because I had 2 commands trying to display it differently. I removed the php include I also had in there and now it loads. - But it is still not "web standard" - I will use the firefox tidy for that.
Thank you for taking the time to even look. I am very greatful.
Hey there,Once again I'd like to thank Stack Overflow and dedicated members for all that you do. I have learned a lot and continue reading daily.