I have a problem with RubyCocoa, which has a weak link to a libruby.dylib and not always can find this dylib on user's computer, which resulting a crash on the launch of my application (RubyCocoa based). I wonder whether it's possible to copy Ruby.framework to the bundle of my application and tell somehow to RubyCocoa to look for ruby dylib in the bundle of application. Or link RubyCocoa against the Ruby.framework and copy it to the RubyCocoa.framework? Currently RubyCocoa links against local version of ruby and has probably local fallback framework path. Anyway, these are other linker flags in the project :
-undefined suppress -flat_namespace -Wl,-syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk -lxml2 -lffi /usr/local/lib/libruby.1.8.6.dylib
Any suggestions? Thanks