Given a latitude and longitude, and distance, I want to find a bounding box where the distances are less than the given distance.
This questions was asked here:
I donot want this partcularly accurate, so I have modified and simplified it to
def boundingBox(latitudeInDegrees, longitudeInDegrees, halfSideInKm):
lat = math.radians(latitudeInDegrees)
lon = math.radians(longitudeInDegrees)
halfSide = 1000*halfSideInKm
# Radius of the parallel at given latitude
pradius = radius*math.cos(lat)
latMin = lat - halfSide/radius
latMax = lat + halfSide/radius
lonMin = lon - halfSide/pradius
lonMax = lon + halfSide/pradius
rad2deg = math.degrees
return (rad2deg(latMin), rad2deg(lonMin), rad2deg(latMax), rad2deg(lonMax))
But I cant understand how this is working, in particular this line makes no sense to me halfSide = 1000*halfSideInKm