I am trying out a conferencing application (BigBlueButton).
For this I created an Ubuntu virtual machine that functions as the application server. On this machine I can test the application by navigating to the app url (for example
I also created a second virtual machine that should function as a client. On this machine I want to be able to navigate to the server as well, but that doesn't seem to be working. If I try to navigate from the client to the server by using the app-url I get nothing, followed by a timeout.
To establish a network between the two machines I tried the following solutions:
- Create a second network adapter on each virtual machine and attach to "Host-only Adapter" with name "vboxnet0"
- Create a second adapter on each machine and attach to "Internal network" named "intnet".
I thought that either of above options would be a good solutions, but none of them works.
Can anyone help me out here?
FYI I am using MacOS X as host system.
EDIT: I created my second machine by cloning the first one (using the clone utility). Maybe this causes both machines to be identical which makes them indistinguishable on a network. Would this cause a problem? (As a desktop developer I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to I.T.)