How may I display two images on a website with elastic layout, side by side which will autoscale to 50% of parent containter?
I was playing with it last night but didnt went too far.
When I went with divs, they overlaped each other or second image was displayed underneath first.
When I went with table, table become wider than screen resulting in vertical scroll bar.
I dont know in advance what size image is, nor what resolution user is having, idealy I would set this up purely by css, without using javascript.
I had luck on other page with single image autoscaling to fit in container by setting max-width:90%
but I can't apply this trick here. Funny thing is, it this scenario max-width is set according to window (parent element), while in examples above max-width is set according to width of image itself.
Sorry for my english, if something is not clear, please ask.