There are a couple of ways you can go here -- a lot of it will depend on whether you want to retain the formattting (i.e., paragraphs and other layout elements) of the original PDF.
If you're considering commercial solutions, we do offer two products that might meet your requirements. One is EasyPDF SDK which has single shot ExtractText() and ExtractText2() calls that pull text out of your PDFs as plain text.
Note that the output from these calls is pretty simplistic and you will lose a lot of the original layout elements. They're nice for simple text extraction but might not be great if your PDF contains tabular data.
If you're dealing with tables, a nicer alternative could be to pull it out as rich text instead. We a have a tool called EasyConverter SDK geared for business documents which does just that using a single function call.
With EasyConverter SDK, the layout of your original PDF will be retained.
Both support C# so feel free to check out the eval versions at if you're interested. I do work for the vendor so do take this suggestion as kind of a mother loving her own child :-) I've been browsing for code snippets for a long time, but have only recently started posting, so if you have any questions with either API just let me know and I can help. Cheers!