I have a jsonstore that is supposed to load a user's information. I have its HTTPRequest as a GET but when I finally do load up the store with parameters, it automatically changes to a POST request.
I've done something similar to this before, except it was a regular datastore, and the request stayed as a GET. Is the default behavior of a jsonstore when supplied with params to do a POST request?
var userDisplayStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
url : myurl/userinfo,
method : 'GET',
fields : ['firstName', 'lastName', 'email', 'userName'],
id : 'user-display-store',
root : 'data'
userGridPanel.on('rowclick', function(grid, dataIndex, event) {
var dataRow = grid.getStore().getAt(dataIndex);
params : {username : dataRow.data.username}