I'm writing a backup script I intend to execute in a cronjob every night.
The script sets sys.stdout and sys.stderr to an output file to keep a log of what happens.
To do the backup I use the following code
cmd = 'rsync -av --del --stats --filter "- .thumbnails/" ' + \
'--filter "- *~" --filter "- *.iso" --filter "- lost+found/" ' + \
'--filter "- .cache/" --filter "- tmp/" --filter "- *.mp3" ' + \
'--filter "- *.log" ' + srcDir + ' ' + dstDir
print "Executing '"+cmd+"' ..."
retcode = subprocess.call( cmd, stdin = sys.stdin, stdout = sys.stdout,
stderr=sys.stderr, shell=False )
if retcode < 0:
print >>sys.stderr, "Command was terminated by signal", -retcode
elif retcode > 0:
print >>sys.stderr, "Command returned code ", retcode
except OSError, e:
print >>sys.stderr, "Execution failed:", e
I add print statements before and after the subprocess call. The problem is that I get the output of the subprocess call before any output of my print instructions before the call. I added the flush() calls but it has no effect.
Why is this happening and how could I change this behaviour ?