



class Controller {

    protected $_controller;
    protected $_action;
    protected $_template;

    public $doNotRenderHeader;
    public $render;

    function __construct($controller, $action) {

        $this->_controller = ucfirst($controller);
        $this->_action = $action;
        $model = ucfirst($controller);/* Conecting the model  class*/
        $this->doNotRenderHeader = 0;
        $this->render = 1;
        $modelName = ucfirst($model).'Model';
        new $modelName;
        $this->_template = new Template($controller,$action);


    function set($name,$value) {

    function __destruct() {
        if ($this->render) {


I'm a newbie in working with classes , i don't understand so much , i want to implement and to study to work with classes this example of mvc structure , but i have a problem , with function set I'm saving into array , some information and then to sent inside class template , when i using inside function __construct I'm sending with set() function that have the role to save data into $this_template object, it's working ok , but when i'm creating a new function in this class or extended class , is not working ...

The question is - how to do , when i create a function in Controller class , to set in array the value that i need , to work with them inside class template :) thanks very much for helping ..and sorry for my English

class Template {
    protected $variables = array();

function set($name,$value) {
 $this->variables[$name] = $value;

    function render(){
        extract($this->variables); print_r($this->variables);

I need with function set() from Class Controller to export data inside class Template , and why when i creating a function inside Class Controller ex :

function functionName() {

and inside class Template , i putting print_r($this->variables); , and the array is empty

__construct($controller, $action) {

        $this->_controller = ucfirst($controller);

What exactly is the type of variable $controller? is is a string, perhaps? and should it be called "controller_name"?

$model = ucfirst($controller);/* Conecting the model  class*/
$modelName = ucfirst($model).'Model';

Isn't the ucfirst redundant on the second line?

new $modelName;

should be

$this->somevariable = new Someclass($modelName);

anyway, you have to go back to the drawing board and clean this up. Perhaps this is too complex of an exercise for your first project using classes.
