This is the kind of sales speech you can read or hear about J9:
IBM has released an SDK for Java 6. Product binaries are available for Linux on x86 and 64-bit AMD, and AIX for PPC for 32- and 64-bits. In addition to supporting the Java SE 6 Platform specification, the new SDK also focuses on, Data sharing between Java Virtual Machines, Enhanced diagnostics information, Operating system stack backtraces, Updated jdmpview tool, platform stability, and performance.
Some would say that the IBM SDK has some advantages beyond speed, that the use and expansion of PermGenSpace is much better than in the Sun SDK or GCJ (not a big deal for client applications, but heavy lifting J2EE servers, especially portal servers, can really cause the Sun JDK heartburn). But, according to this paper comparing Sun vs IBM JVM GC, it turns out that memory performance depends mostly on the application and not so much on the VM.
So, while it's true that the IBM JVM is well known for its troubleshooting features (more advanced than Sun's JVM), I'm not convinced by the differences at the GC level.
And Sun's JVM has a big advantage over IBM, at least on Solaris: DTrace providers. Actually, I've been mainly working with Weblogic on Solaris so Sun' JVM has always been the natural choice.
Oracle JRockit
I did some benchmarks of BEA/Oracle JRockit some years ago and it was indeed a fast VM and it was then supporting bigger heaps than Sun's VM at this time. But it has some stability problems which is not really good for production. Things might have changed since then though.
Apache Harmony
I might be wrong but, to me, Harmony is made of code donations from IBM (benefits: the community is doing maintenance) and I don't really see why I should consider Harmony rather than IBM J9.
Apple's JDK
I never had to use Mac for production so I can't really answer. I just remember Apple needed some time to bundle Java 6, and I don't know why. This is maybe not rational but this makes me suspicious.
I know that some vendor are offering production support (e.g. RedHat with RHEL 5.3+, see this blog entry) for OpenJDK so it might be an option for platforms not supported by Sun. However, unless someone can tell me what makes OpenJDK work better than Sun's, I think I'll install Sun JVM on supported platforms.
So to me, the choices are actually: Sun's JVM unless I've to run some Websphere stuff, in which case I'd choose IBM J9. But to be honest, I've never faced a situation that I couldn't solve on a Sun's JVM and that could have justified (temporary) swapping to IBM' one so I can't actually tell if the troubleshooting features are that nice. But I admit that I may suffer from a lack of knowledge of IBM's JVM.