I use this links and divs on my site:
<p><a href="#" class="navlink" id="navlink_1">Menu1</a> | <a href="#" class="navlink" id="navlink_2">Menu2 |</a><a href="#" class="navlink" id="navlink_5"> Menu 3|</a></p>
<div id="menu_1" class="mymenu">
<div id="menu_2" class="mymenu">
<div id="menu_3" class="mymenu">
And this jquery to hide and show the menu.
var current;
var showMenu = function(e) {
// read the id out of the clicked elements id ('navlink_ID')
var id = e.id.split('_');
$('div#menu_' + id[1]).show();
// store this element as new current visible
current = e;
// hide all menu elements
$('a.navlink').click(function() {
if (this != current) {
// check if an element is visible -> hide it and show new menu
if (current) {
var id = current.id.split('_');
$('div#menu_' + id[1]).hide(200,showMenu(this));
} else {
return false;
How can i modify this code, if i reload the page, then the last visible DIV is stay visible. (i dont want to use query string for this. I try with jquery session but not work..)
Thank you for help...