



Hello. Just for fun, how close can we get to debug an application in C# using only the command-line out-of-the-box? No other software, just the command-line. That is, for instance, is there a way to peek at the values of variables, interact with output, etc. like the VS debugger does?

EDIT: And just for completeness' sake, here is the mono equivalent:, although it doesn't seem to be very stable.


+1  A: 

There are command line debuggers that come with Debugging Tools for Windows like CDB . For managed applications you will also need the SOS module.

Darin Dimitrov
Thanks, Darin. I'm only after what can be done with the tools that come with VS, no additional downloads.
Dervin Thunk
+6  A: 

You can use the CLR debugger, which is part of the framework installation; and does not depend on VS.

An alternative (and more appropiate for your question) is MDbg, which is a command line debugger for managed code.

Very interesting! Probably MDbg is what I'm looking for... I'll give it a shot.
Dervin Thunk
Can MDbg display "real" source code, not just IL?
Martinho Fernandes