



Hello, I did a project with MS SQL Server CE that when installed in the 'costumer' machine just raises an unspecified excpetion.

Did some research and looks like I did everything mentioned. The dev env has sql compact 3.5 installed and sql tools for vs 2005. Using dotNet 3.5. But to make it run in de dev machine I need to add the sqlcese30, sqlceqp30, sqlceme and sqlcecompact30 dlls and its works fine.

The setup project put dotNet 2.0 as dependecy and I also added the dlls but it raises the exception and I cannot see where or what it is. Its just a single 'unspecified error' message.

please help :)


Have you tried using the SQL CE re-distributable installer on the customer machine?

You can add SQL CE 3.5 as a pre-requisite to the setup project. If it is not already in the list, copy the SQL Server Compact Edition directory from C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\BootStrapper\Packages and restart Visual Studio 2005.

Phil Ross
Yes I did. I have the redistributable but didnt find the Bootstrapper you mentioned. Theres just the bootstrapper for 3.1 what makes me think that at the end the application just uses 3.1.
Ruben Trancoso
ALmost there. I downloaded and installed the 3.1 redistributable in the costumer machine and the error gone. In fact i'm just filling a datagridview for now, but looks good.Shouldnt be better if I could use dotNet 3.5 and SQL CE 3.5 SP1 as dependencies instead? And how do I do to the setup project add it automatically to my output?
Ruben Trancoso
Other thing I note is that theres no SDK download on the CE page for 3.5 SP1.
Ruben Trancoso