Say I have model 'Car' and controller 'cars', and a method 'display'.
I have multiple attributes like:
I can easily do something like this to find cars that match all the parameters passed:
def display
@cars = Car.find(:all, :conditions => { :in_production => #{params[:in_production]}, :year => #{params[:year]}, :make => #{params[:make]} })`
So what I'm doing is coding hard links in the menu, so if I wanted to find all Nissan cars from 2009 that were in production, I would pass those values as parameters in my link.
On another page I want to show every car from 2009 that is in_production, only two params instead of three. What's the best way to dynamically alter the conditions so it will work with one, two, or three params, whilst using the same action?
Any ideas?