




I'm working on simple HTML/CSS site, using a horizontal floated CSS menu. The problem i have is i cant figure out how to alter the positioning of the menu. Its currently at the top, i know that the function top: x px or bottom: x px are used to move anything up and down from top or bottom, but when i use either the menu still stays at the top? Can floated menu's anywhere other than at the top, as this limits what i can do with my site?

+2  A: 

Try setting the "position" style to "relative" for your floated element.

an example:

Worked a treat, cheers Nick!
Dipesh Parmar
+1  A: 

I don't know what your HTML and CSS look like, but if you have a wrapper around the menu you can position the wrapper anywhere on your page.

To help you with the how to do that, check out this great tutorial on CSS positioning...

+1  A: 

Top, bottom, left, right all work with relative or absolute positioning.

If you aren't using these and have a floated container (eg: float:left;), as I tend to, then you can use margin or padding settings to position the element.

Jon Hadley
I did a few trials of this and found that if an element is floating you can add relative positioning to get left and top working. Keeps box model issues to a minimum too =)