



how can I scale the content of iframe (in my example is an html page), and is not a popup is in page of my web site?

So I want for example to put the content that appears in iframe in for example 80% of the real size.

Can someone help me please....

Thanks (question scraped from

+1  A: 

I do not think HTML has such functionality. The only thing I can imagine would do the trick is to do some server-side processing. Perhaps you could get an image snapshot of the webpage you want to serve, scale it on the server and serve it to the client. This would be a non-interactive page however. (maybe an imagemap could have the link, but still.)

Another idea would be to have a server-side component that would alter the HTML. SOrt of like the firefox 2.0 zoom feature. this of course is not perfect zooming, but is better than nothing.

Other than that, I am out of ideas.

Alexandros Marinos

As said, I doubt you can do it.
Maybe you can scale at least the text itself, by setting a style font-size: 80%;.
Untested, not sure it works, and won't resize boxes or images.


html{zoom:0.4;} ?-)

It would be 0.8 for 80%, but that is a proprietary Microsoftism, so probably not suitable. It would also only work if the document loaded into the frame could be edited, which is unlikely.
David Dorward

If your html is styled with css, you can probably link different style sheets for different sizes.

+1  A: 

I think you can do this by calculating the height and width you want with javascript (via document.body.clientWidth etc.) and then injecting the iframe into your HTML like this:

var element = document.getElementById("myid");
element.innerHTML += "<iframe src='' height='200' width='" + document.body.clientWidth * 0.8 + "'/>";

I didn't test this in IE6 but it seems to work with the good ones :)

Eric Wendelin
+1  A: 

I found a solution that works in IE and Firefox (at least on the current versions). On Safari/Chrome, the iframe is resized to 75% of its original size, but the content within the iframe is not scaled at all. In Opera, this doesn't seem to work. This feels a bit esoteric, so if there is a better way to do it I'd welcome suggestions.

#wrap { width: 600px; height: 390px; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; }
#frame { width: 800px; height: 520px; border: 1px solid black; }
#frame { zoom: 0.75; -moz-transform: scale(0.75); -moz-transform-origin: 0 0; }


<p>Some text before the frame</p>
<div id="wrap">
<iframe id="frame" src="test2.html"></iframe>
<p>Some text after the frame</p>

Note: I had to use the wrap element for Firefox. For some reason, in Firefox when you scale the object down by 75%, it still uses the original size of the image for layout reasons. (Try removing the div from the sample code above and you'll see what I mean.)

I found some of this from this question.

+6  A: 

Kip's solution should work on Opera and Safari if you change the CSS to:

#wrap { width: 600px; height: 390px; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; }
#frame { width: 800px; height: 520px; border: 1px solid black; }
#frame {
    zoom: 0.75;
    -moz-transform: scale(0.75);
    -moz-transform-origin: 0 0;
    -o-transform: scale(0.75);
    -o-transform-origin: 0 0;
    -webkit-transform: scale(0.75);
    -webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;

You might also want to specify overflow: hidden on #frame to prevent scrollbars.

thanks for the update