



I am a server side dev, but I notice that more and more I am seeing the requirement for us to be able to convert flat images to html.

I have a basic understanding of CSS i.e. I can work with it, but haven't ever done a prject from scratch before.

Can someone direct me to online tutorials or videos (preferred) of someone going through the process of taking an image file, and converting it to html/css etc.? (standards compliant).

+2  A: 

Here's one resources that walks through the process: From PSD to HTML.

In my experience you are best served if you get comfortable working with Photoshop so you can extract needed graphical elements; but you should become an expert with HTML & CSS so that you can look at a design, develop a layout and then code without depending on actually slicing the Photoshop file into big graphical chunks. I prefer to simply extract the pieces of imagery from PSD files that I can not duplicate with HTML & CSS. This ends up making my designs a lot leaner and usually more sensible in terms of the structure of the markup.

I would seriously consider purchasing the following books since they will serve as good references as you continue to hone your skills, and I would recommend them in roughly that order:

James Thompson

I can't say I officially recommend it because I haven't watched it, but Chris Coyier from CSS Tricks has a "Building a Website" screencast series that might help.

Andy Ford
+1  A: 

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Design and Converting it to HTML and CSS

Nettuts is a great site for beginners or server side programmers like yourself who need to brush up on CSS.


"Another great article to read while coding web layouts:

Though, not exactly a psd to html conversion article, but one must keep these tips in mind while coding a PSD into search engine as well as user friendly web layout. "

R Aflec