Oh, what should we do about the fact that most decimal fractions cannot be represented in binary? or for that matter, that binary fractions cannot be represented in Decimal ?
or, even, that an infinity (in fact, a non-countable infinity) of real numbers in all bases cannot be accurately represented in any computerized system??
nothing! To recall an old cliche, You can get close enough for government work... In fact, you can get close enough for any work... There is no limit to the degree of accuracy the computer can generate, it just cannot be infinite, (which is what would be required for a number representation scheme to be able to represent every possible real number)
You see, for every number representation scheme you can design, in any computer, it can only represent a finite number of distinct different real numbers with 100.00 % accuracy. And between each adjacent pair of those numbers (those that can be represented with 100% accuracy), there will always be an infinity of other numbers that it cannot represent with 100% accuracy.