



Is there any way by looking at a site (maybe through viewing source) to see what underlying technologies were used to develop it? I'm looking specifically to see what frameworks (if any) are being used, but other details would be nice as well.


A lot of the time, that information can be parsed from response headers.

The X-Powered-By header is a good place to start.

Gurdas Nijor
+1  A: 

There's no method that works 100% of the time (since there are no specific requirements for frameworks to identify themselves, and the basic HTML response is generic). However, many frameworks have "tell-tale" aspects that strongly indicate that a given framework might be in use, and some even include identifying marks/comments/headers.

For example, most ASP.NET webforms sites will have a "__VIEWSTATE" hidden form field in them. Finding that in the source is a dead giveaway. But with ASP.NET MVC this is no longer true.

The Server HTTP Response header will typically indicate the web server but not necessarily the framework used. It'll basically be a guessing game. You can look for clues. For example urls that end in .do usually means struts.
